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Showing posts from March, 2020

Why in a haste: You’re Not Falling Behind

Nothing annoys me more than the loss of time. When I feel like I’m wasting my time on useless activities, doing meaningless things, or when I’m spending time with negative people, I get frustrated. When it comes to time, I agree with what Darwin once said: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” But I’ve found that an obsession with time can put unnecessary pressure on yourself. I see it a lot with ambitious people—anyone who wants to get the most out of life. They feel like they have to use every single minute of life. Things have to happen: Quick, quick, now, now. You have to keep pounding forward like a freight train that stops for nothing. It’s great that you want to achieve a lot, and live a life of contribution, but does that mean it has to happen NOW? But there’s a fine line between understanding the value of time, and being impatient. One of my mentors is an entrepreneur in his late forties. When I recently told him I

9ja Machos and Rules

The country is one with so many scenarios to behold. The rate of drama kings and queens in the country is entertainingly appalling. There is an urgent need around the world for we all to return to our senses and reverence God. People tend to give out different kind of reason to support their doings and if enough emotion is attached to it, it tends to communicate truth to the spectators. The world economy may come back alive but can our lives do the same? There are so many Egungun who has to be very careful because of the express ahead of them. Presently, one express the world is facing is the spread of the novel Covid-19 which seems to be a means of keeping people clean and making sure people follow rules. The human is very hard to deal with, with all of their hard-headed behavior and heartless thinking maybe one of the reason why God once again decide to revisit the earth. Nigerians have always had it hard with rules. Traffic rules, queue rules, legal rules, biblical rules and s

Keep on fighting, You will get there soon

Amidst this whole COVID-19 pandemic, and the many struggles of life, no matter what life throws at you, know that you can turn it around. You have to stay strong and keep fighting! You have the ability to change your life. And if you’re strong enough, you also have the ability to change other people’s life. You need to be confident in yourself! Keep pushing. Don’t give up! Because you’re going somewhere. Even if life doesn’t seem to be the nicest to you or even if people don’t seem to be the nicest to you either, it’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. You really do have a bright future. And you’re going to accomplish a lot of great things. Maybe your future doesn’t involve you finding a cure to cancer or finding a way to travel through space. But that does not mean that what you’ll do on this earth won’t matter. You matter. We matter all! The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can work together to make this world a better place for all of us. So whoever you are, you r

Why the women are so "Scared"

There is always a coward on the inside of every one, some may try to deny the fact because in the past they've been brave to the point of been praised. Nobody want to be bound or to be put under a certain yoke. There's always something screaming underneath to let its voice out. In our current world the situation hasn't gone beyond limit, you just have to place yourself under some certain masks, task, and some other diet to avoid mixing your freedom with Death. Some ladies like aggressive guys while some don't and some just love extra cool guys that they call gentleman. It amazing that not every lady wants the same kind of man that another has, there'll certainly be some kind of discrimination between them.  Is this because everyone has a limit attached to their freedom that they can persevere from? Should there be no limit to freedom then humans would be expose to a large number of pain and panic and wouldn't be able to think or feel well. Ladies do wa

Stop Saving Your Money If You Want To Be Rich, RATHER INVEST

It’s advisable to invest into business because saving money can’t bring you profit it’s better to make research and embark on a business Every reasonable person wants poverty under his feet. But so many people have found this desire unachievable. This reason is because most people lack the fundamental knowledge of how money works. Expert would tell you to save. However, I have been able to discover from my experience and findings that no one gets rich by saving. While growing up, I was taught by the society and even school that I should be prudent with my tiny income and save more than I spend. I took this advice and ran with it. I saved and saved until irrevocable emergency came and ate up my savings The money you save does not increase. It neither yield profit nor brings dividend. If you save it in bank, you directly or indirectly enrich other people who will never be grateful to you. To save it at home is even worst, you risk been tempted to spend it or been robbed. Saved mo

Salt meets Sugar in a shocking way

When a Macho has decided to get her laid, definitely he has to put stuffs in place no matter what it might cost him to do that. There have been several issues arising from this which has led to various occurrence in the country. Some ladies tends to take it all without considering the effort that has been put in place to get along with them. The end result is usually uncalled-for by the Machos who doesn't want to hear s***t. African ladies are always expecting more benefit to themselves maybe due to their religious beliefs, but religion belongs to religion and shouldn't be interfaced with the political cum economical activity.  The ratio of treatment ascertain to the guys seems poor mostly due to the choices available to them and many options available for them to pick from and so the realer would have no choice than to be Christ. As we all know that nobody is a saint or none can keep being a saint for so long so far as the person isn't trying to be a nun or a priest

One of the symptoms of self-isolation is extreme boredom. Here are some of the creative ways people are keeping themselves entertained

The coronavirus has canceled your spring break plans, sporting events, concerts and late night rendezvous. You're practicing social distancing, isolation and self-quarantining to help fight the spread of the coronavirus. Sometimes we find ourselves trapped in our homes, completely at a loss for how to use our time. Maybe we feel that we have too many options to even begin to pin one down, or maybe we feel that we have too few due to a lack of time or resources. The fact of the matter is there are a great many number of ways we can entertain ourselves at home for free or on a budget. Having fun does not necessarily mean forking over tons of money. Here are is a creative list of ideas for you have a good time without leaving your house. 1. Watch a program on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. 2. Read a new book. 3. Reread an old book. 4. Watch YouTube animal videos. 5.Exercise It’s free and it’s good for you). 6.Play your favorite music and get up and dance. 7.Write a

The Big Alternative

Now that there have been a general breakdown in the sporting activities and gaming all around the world, people have been looking for various means in which they can stake in order to make returns but which outlet will be the appropriate now that doesn't involve athletes (people)? Only few!  They say that patience is a virtue, so here is where the classic people come into play by trying to make forecast for the future of their sport should they return back to the field which may be their date of winning a stake and the wager placed that they might have been longing for. Some may consider taking the Dog race game and the horse races, table tennis, rugby, volleyball to stake on right now when the break is on going all around Europe and some American countries. The hustlers see opportunities in everything and in every season whether there be an endemic or pandemic disease, the macho must hussle and hussle for real. Can the hussle ever stop any day anytime. Nah! This is a short

Good side of Laziness

There are no substitute for time as nobody want anybody that will waste his or her time. Different approaches have been made  to double the speed of time, theories over theories over theories has been emphasized but which of this is actually working? Anything one can do to minimize time will actually get one much richer isn't it? The current world of ours have been a one of creative minded persons. People want to minimize their risk by getting through the biggest odds but will this work for the lazy? The hazy at heart? Yeah! It will, the lazy people has been considered in books like; 80/20 rule, today matters, 8 steps from effective to greatness as one of the most innovative people. Bill gate says he loves to give his hardest work to the lazy guys because they'll find a easy way to do it. An English dictionary defines laziness as "Unwilling to do work or make an effort, disincline to exertion". The word "unwilling" is vital. The lazy are more creativ

What do men talk about.

If you ever thought it’s just women who gossip and men don’t, you’re so wrong. Men gossip as well. What do you think we do when we link up with our friends for a few drinks? lol. Some of us hate to admit it, but it’s the truth. Call it ‘gisting’ or ‘discussing’, it’s all talk, and it’s no different from gossiping.  So here are the 6 commonest topics guys like to discuss.   1. MONEY What person is there on earth who doesn’t talk about it? Women certainly do, and so do men. The broke guys talk about getting it while the rich folks talk about getting more of it. Discussion may come in form of a business idea/ opportunity, but you’ll definitely hear figures being mentioned when guys come together. 2. WOMEN When guys come together, they’re almost certain to talk about a woman or more. Either they’re assessing the hottest female(s) in the bar (or wherever they find themselves) or they’re talking about some chick who has been pestering them (sometimes, this is just a lie we tell

A new kind of Mature talk

The are different levels of joy that were attained in childhood, some really do enjoy theirs due to the absence of terrorist while some didn't because they were subjected under the Dominion of a demon. The physiology that we attain during this period often determine what we grow up with, some kids are seen as being bigger than the other because of the care value attached to them. The background that we lay determines what we build. There are patterns to everything, something that is weakly built will be weakly displayed. The Machos should understand themselves first before venturing into a very mature business. There's nothing plan cannot accomplish; the partners, their very children, their survival after this game of matrimony or sharp runs. Everything that'll cost us money is one of the reasons why we keep money and not keeping it will run us to a big state of emergency. We determine the outlook of our children and how we want to see them, the ingredients we cook with sho

Corona Virus - Please read this

Coronavirus Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washin

From Egungun to Overseas

We dwell in a world where hip and hop is the dominant style and tradition. The upcoming creative minded men tends to get themselves acquainted with all of the trappings of the craft; trying to change their accent, looks and genre in order to fit in. If you can't beat them you join them so they say, but the creative macho will maintain the monopoly board, after all a road less traveled by so they say made all the difference. People do patronize who people do patronize, as a young macho trying to do start something anew may drive you yourself crazy, should you not be big enough, have the financial capacity to maintain the balance, life may tend to keep you in the balance. The relentless spirit of the human and our ability to generate innovations made us what we are today. But why is it that once a new idea is created people tends to show some certain kind of distaste for whatever is made out of it? It is the way of the world! Different approaches to art and life is a necessary one,

TIME – The Game Changer

This monosyllabic four(4) letter word is one of the quintessences of life. Be it as it may, the word time is one global word used routinely by everyone including the kindergarten pupils. Sadly, very few have been able to comprehend it and essentially apply it to their endeavours in life. Different persons have come up with different definitions, based on their perceptions, interactions and experiences with the subject matter. Physics is one subject that expounds time as well. I will just furnish us with a definition that I excerpted from Wikipedia which defines time as the “indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occurred in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.” “Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them and to qualify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.“ These two def

Macho's Mama sighted on Sunday

There are different kinds of women and several beliefs has been held about them. A woman with an adorable beauty shouldn't be found with men that are less cute, but reverse is the case due to the beautiful nature of hers. The love attached will always justify her. Every one of them has their beauty embedded inside of them and every man sees his taste according to his appetite, which affirms the saying that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The women in our lives and beyond contribute towards success and betterment – the sun doesn’t set without their love and contribution. It is important to recognize and appreciate the incredible and dynamic ladies in our lives. Each new day, they’re inspiring us in ways often difficult to describe. Without these beautiful women, the world would be a dull, empty place. A woman is a hearty combination of positive thoughts, bold colors, unconditional love and the need to give. She is timeless and powerful. On this special da

Uspoken Words like no other

When you see a superstar, they necessarily don't have to utter much words for them to be applauded, due to their respect and reputation they've garned so far only few words will be needed to showcase themselves. Apparently there seems to be a magic in the way they do represent their craft. The macho in the mirror speaks like someone with much knowledge about ladies and who follow them, but the big question is who is chasing the bag? If you really understand who? Let us know.

For the serious Machos

Choosing very carefully is a wise and a necessary things which the Machos should do. Orange breeds oranges much as other fruit does. Though our feelings tends to give us reasons, reasons to compromise our reason but the least we can do is succumb? Black is beautiful, black is awesome but what kind of mixture is added to it as color gives paint and by so doing we derive various taste. Getting ready for a marriage is what intrigue most ladies in Nigeria especially when the guy is a macho. To everything there's always an end game though it might not necessarily be an act of retribution but contribution. Watch out

Love And Misery

Buzz! Buzz! Came a text message, Laura quickly picked up her phone to check the message. “Dear customer…” She immediately deleted it and threw the phone back on the bed as she did others that weren’t from Alex. It’d been three days since she heard from him, she sent a dozen text to him but none was replied, she’d dialled his number over fifteen times in the past three days but he wouldn’t pick up, twice she called but his line was busy. “Does it mean he could talk to someone else but not me?” , She thought, “Could there be something serious happening? But that’s not an excuse” she concluded. Different thoughts clouded her head with each new excuse better than the last. She got up and walked to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water and drank hastily as if putting off the fire burning inside of her, she wiped off the tears rolling down her cheeks as she placed the now half bottle of water in the refrigerator and closed it. She walked back into her room, took her phone a

Dancing with wisdom

How frequent do you see a wise dancer? Should there actually be something like that? What will it be like? Dancing is an art that is to be performed as a freestyle in well-rehearsed manner, shouldn't the wise be a dancer or it just an art for the loosed? Well the video explains better.