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Showing posts from April, 2020

If you're Hungry: Food For Thought

There are different kinds of benefit attached to staying healthy and maintaining purity not just for the sake of following instructions even on ourselves personally. What keeping a good hygiene does to the human body is monumentally beneficial. Some syndicate believe that it's not by our power we're able to survive this long, and that our well being isn't because of our doings. Well, to what extent is this true? There are point that could back this up. The Americans are known to be a nation where their security is tight and well constructed or was it only in their movie. After the 9-11 saga, hardly could anything bypass their security system and render them in a limbo. Should we say effort has been defeated or that it wasn't enough. The spread of the corona virus into the United does it have anything to do with their security system? With all their vigilance should we support the notion that it's not by our power that we're able to survive till this extent

Udemy Certificate of Completion

Does Udemy Give Certificates For Its Online Courses? Udemy offers certificates for most of its courses. You will get a certificate of completion after you finish a course i.e. after you have watched all the course videos and completed the quizzes. The Udemy certificates are free of any additional cost. You just have to pay for the course. You wouldn’t be charged anything extra for certificate of completion. You just have to invest in a good course and complete it. Here is a sample certificate. How Will You Get Certificate From Udemy ? You will see a green trophy above the course player after you finish all the items in the course curriculum. The trophy indicates that your certificate is ready. You can click on it to view and download the certificate. The certificated can be viewed or downloaded only from You cannot view them on mobile app. You will have to login to your Udemy account to view your certificate if you have completed the course using the a

How to buy and pay for Udemy courses

Currently, Udemy supports several different payment methods, depending on your account country and location. This article outlines how you can confirm which payment methods are available to you, when you go to purchase a course. How to Confirm Your Payment Methods on To see the payment methods that are available to you when you wish to purchase a course, please follow the steps below: After you find the course you wish to enroll in, 1. Click Buy Now on the course landing page You will be directed to the Checkout page, which will feature the various payment methods that are available to you (not including our mobile app payment options - please see below). Udemy Payment Methods Depending on your location and what country your Udemy account is registered in, your payment methods may include the following: International Credit And Debit Cards:  Udemy accepts most major international credit and debit cards like Visa, MasterCard, American Express,

How to Sign up With Udemy And Log Into Your Account.

How This article explains how you can sign up with Udemy and begin your learning experience today. Sign up with an email and password 1. First log on 2. Sign Up at the top right.  3.Enter your name, your email address, and a unique password. 4. Select whether you wish to receive promotional emails and recommendations from Udemy. Click Sign Up. Log in with an email and password 1. Click Log in at the top right.  2.Enter the credentials you used to sign up. Click Log in. Log in with Facebook or Google  1.Click Log in at the top right. 2. Select Continue with Facebook or Continue with Google. Follow the prompts to complete the sign in process. Please note:  When you sign up using the Google or Facebook option, no password is created for your Udemy account. If you wish to create a password for your Udemy account and log in with the same email address that’s registered with Google or Facebook moving forward, please follow the steps outlin

Escape from Lockdown

The lockdown has made the realist look like an idealist and the idealist are now looking like the realist now. The general fuss of the town has encapsulated every hardworking minded man to a place of safety. Life itself is a dream isn't it? Large majority of us just open our eyes to discover that Gbam! Someone suddenly hit us in the head or knocked us down, some woke up just to see that yes they're having a good dream. I guess that stage is what they call the adolescent stage. It often true that we do not value what we have untill it's gone, truly truly gone. This almost look like a period of accountability where those things which you have done in the past will enable you to hold on to the next life which is ahead. It now on the news that people are no longer suffering from the Corona virus anymore but from hunger virus which they deem to be monumental than the novel itself. Inability to get what you wanted to eat may seem more threatening than the fear itself; havi

Why Practice Matters Just as Much If not More Than Performance

Everybody wants to become a master, but few want to endure the pain, the work, and the process that is required for such an outcome. But it’s in the process where almost all the work actually happens. It’s where the majority of your time will be spent if you intend to master anything. Moments in the spotlight, accolades, and fame are fleeting. You might be big news for week or month, and then everybody will be back to their lives. Public attention and admiration are a fickle currency, and to depend on them for our well being and happiness, as Ryan Holiday once said to me is “a recipe for profound disappointment.” If your goal is mastery, whether you’re an author, musician, athlete, or speaker, you will practice far more than you perform. The idea that practice matters so much was instilled into me at a very young age by my band director. There were 2 auditions for the Texas All-State Band All region All area To prepare for those auditions, you had to put in 100’s of hou

careful or carefool?

It no news again about the current outbreak that the world is battling now. There are several ways in which people are using to handle this menace, they say gone are the days where you sneeze and people will say bless you, well this time people may want to curse you. Our attitude in handling this times is what determines truly whether we are affected or not. Some may not really have the disease but will be the one who suffers mostly from it. There is strength in composure and the ability to keep calm under pressure is compared to no other. Some people's beliefs is that it is all written down all they'll become in life, some believe you have to live out whatever you want. Some believe it have already been acted out. Different people holds different believe about life. As an example; Some don't literally see any reason why they should take any precaution in this dangerous season due to their beliefs system or whatever it is, a pastor in Florida was arrested for holding